Accounting Regulatory Bodies

What are the Various Objectives and Functions of FASB?

The Financial Accounting Standard Board (FASB) was founded in 1973 as an independent, private-sector, not-for-profit organisation.

It establishes accounting principles and accounting procedures. The body of this principle and procedure is called General Accounting-Accepted Principles (GAAP). The Security and Exchange Commission and the Financial Accounting Foundation regulate FASB. Understanding the various objectives and functions of FASB is crucial for both professionals in the field of accounting and individuals who rely on accurate financial information for decision-making.

In this blog post, we will explore the intricacies of FASB and shed light on its fundamental objectives and functions.

Objectives of FASB

At its core, the primary objective of FASB is to establish comprehensive and standardized accounting principles that enhance financial reporting transparency. By doing so, FASB ensures that financial statements are prepared in a consistent manner, facilitating comparability across different organizations and industries. This comparability is essential for users of financial information, as it allows them to make informed decisions based on reliable and consistent data.

Another vital objective of FASB is to promote investor protection and confidence in the financial markets. To achieve this, FASB sets and enforces accounting guidelines that help safeguard the credibility and integrity of financial reporting. By maintaining a high level of accuracy and consistency in financial statements, FASB aims to foster trust among investors and reduce the risk of manipulation or fraudulent practices.

Mission of FASB

The collective mission of the FASB, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) and the FAF is to establish and improve financial accounting and reporting standards to provide useful information to investors and other users of financial reports and educate stakeholders on how to understand and implement those standards most effectively.

Board Members

The seven members of the FASB serve full time and, to foster their independence, are required to sever connections with the firms or institutions they served before joining the Board. While they individually have diverse backgrounds, each has a concern for investors, other users, and the public interest in accounting and financial reporting matters. They collectively have “knowledge of accounting, finance, business, accounting education, and research.”

Working on the FASB

The Financial Accounting Standard Board also works with the International Accounting Standard Board to ensure that financial statements and documents used in the United States can also be used in the international market. The FASB has the authority to set the Accounting Standards but not enforce these accounting standards.

These accounting standards are enforced under the Security Exchange Commission’s (SEC) jurisdiction. When devising and improving Accounting Standards, the FASB takes recommendations from the SEC and the AIPA; however, it is not required. It also takes feedback from the business when making changes to the current business.

The Financial Accounting Standard Board has a unique position in the accounting process. The main goal of the FASB is to provide leadership for public companies in establishing the accounting methods used to prepare financial statements.

The main purpose of FASB is to establish and improve financial accounting and reporting standards for public and private companies and not-for-profit organizations. They provide helpful information for the guidance and education of the public, including auditors, issuers, and users of financial information.

Goals and Functions of FASB

The goal of the Financial Accounting Standard is to provide information about the financial statements to stakeholders, so they make investment decisions based on these honest financial statements.

The functions of the Financial Accounting Standard Board are as:

  • Maintain the standards up to date to reflect changes in the method of preparing the financial statements and in the economy
  • Considering those specific areas which are insufficient in the financial areas that might be improved through standard-setting; support international convergence of Accounting Standard concurrent with improvement in the quality of financial reporting;
  • Describing the usefulness of financial reporting by focusing on characteristics of reliability and relevance;
  • FASB also explains the usefulness of financial reporting by focusing on consistency and comparability.

The standards are designed in such a way as to promote transparency in financial reporting. When information is transparent, it is visible and understandable to users of these statements. It will enable the users of these statements (investors and creditors) to make accurate evaluations of business finance. Financial Accounting Standards Boards also help the company’s board of Directors of the companies to assess the management’s effectiveness.

The FASB developed the Accounting Standards that directly impact how the business reports items such as inventory cost, assets, debts, revenue, stakeholder’s equity and taxation. The FASB currently issues a set of pronouncements which include;

  • the statement of Financial Accounting Concepts;
  • FASB interpretations and clauses; and
  • the FASB technical Bulletins and abstract and statement of Financial Accounting Standards.

The main benefit of the FASB is that it helps set the current Accounting Standards and eliminate outdated ones. It helps to encourage international compliance and develop the process to resolve accounting misinterpretations.

FASB recognizes the importance of engaging with its stakeholders, including preparers, auditors, investors, and regulators. To maintain an ongoing dialogue, FASB seeks public input and comment on key issues. This allows for a wide spectrum of perspectives to be considered and helps FASB make informed decisions that reflect the best interests of all parties involved.


In conclusion, the objectives and functions of FASB play a vital role in shaping financial reporting standards. Through its commitment to transparency, accuracy, and comparability, FASB ensures that the financial information provided by organizations is reliable and consistent. By understanding and engaging with the objectives and functions of FASB, stakeholders can contribute to the ongoing improvement and development of accounting standards. Ultimately, the work of FASB strengthens investor protection and reinforces the integrity of financial reporting in the global marketplace.

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