Corporate Accounting

Top 5 Theories of Dividend Decision

Dividend decisions play a very important role in corporate finance because they impact the valuations of a firm’s stocks, investor confidence, and financial strategy. Several theories attempt to explain how companies should decide on their dividend policies.

In this post, we are going to learn about the top 5 theories of dividend decision and their underlying assumptions.

1. Walter’s Model

Proposed by James E. Walter, this model suggests that a firm’s dividend policy directly affects its value. According to Walter, the decision to pay dividends or retain earnings depends on the relationship between the company’s return on investment (r) and its cost of capital (k). If a firm’s return on investment is higher than its cost of capital (r > k), it should reinvest its earnings instead of paying dividends. Conversely, if r < k, the company should distribute dividends, as investors can earn better returns elsewhere. If r = k, the firm is indifferent to dividends and reinvestment.

Despite its logical approach, Walter’s Model assumes that companies only finance themselves through retained earnings and ignores external funding options, making it somewhat unrealistic.

2. Gordon’s Model (Bird-in-the-Hand Theory)

This theory was introduced by Myron J. Gordon, who believed that investors prefer certain dividend payments over uncertain future capital gains. Gordon argued that dividends reduce investment risk because they provide immediate and stable returns. The model shows that higher dividend payouts increase stock prices because investors perceive them as less risky.

However, the model assumes that the cost of capital for a company as well as the return on investments are constant, which is rare in the actual financial markets of the world. It also neglects the after-tax difference in dividend income as compared to capital gains.

3. Modigliani and Miller (M&M) Hypothesis

Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller developed the dividend irrelevance theory, according to which the firm’s market value is independent of its dividend policy. According to them, under a perfect capital market free from taxes, transaction costs, or information asymmetry-investors do not care whether they obtain dividends or capital gains. The cash lovers can sell part of their equity to raise the needed cash, and the capital appreciators can invest the dividends for further capital gains.

Although this model provides a theoretical framework, it is often criticized for being unrealistic. In reality, taxes, market imperfections, and investor preferences influence a company’s stock value, making dividend decisions relevant.

4. Residual Theory of Dividends

John Litner introduced the residual dividend theory, which states that companies should prioritize funding profitable investments before paying dividends. According to this theory, firms should first use earnings to finance capital expenditures and growth projects. Only after meeting these investment needs should they distribute the remaining profits as dividends.

This approach ensures that companies maximize their value by reinvesting in high-return projects. However, it can lead to fluctuating dividend payments, creating uncertainty for investors who prefer a stable income stream.

5. Signaling Theory

Stephen Ross proposed the signaling theory, according to which the dividend policy of a company signals to investors its financial health. A high payout of dividends is often seen as a sign of strong profitability and stability, increasing investor confidence and stock prices. Conversely, the reduction or omission of dividends might be seen as a sign of financial distress and thus lower stock value.

Although this theory points out the psychological effects of dividends, it has some significant limitations. Some companies may simply pay a high dividend because they can’t afford one, misleading investors about their actual financial condition.


Each of these dividend decision theories has provided great insights into the ways in which companies approach their dividend policies. The Walter and Gordon models, respectively, bring forward the implications of dividends for stock value. The M&M hypothesis states that, in a perfect market, dividends are irrelevant. The residual theory focuses on reinvestment and the signaling theory points out how dividends affect perception among investors. In reality, companies often combine elements from multiple theories to develop a dividend policy that balances growth, investor expectations, and financial stability.

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